Portraits of the Unseen

Portraits of the Unseen

“Years ago, the medical community redefined the beginning of pregnancy from the time of fertilization to when an embryo implants in the uterus.1  Whatever definition you use, the scientific reality is that when the sperm and the egg unite and fertilization occurs, the...
Shadows in Sobriety

Shadows in Sobriety

“In the United States, only about one in five people with SUDs ever receives any help for this condition during their lifetime.”“Yet if we ask them to tell us about ways in which alcohol or other drugs have caused hassles or harm, there is usually a list and sometimes...
Ruth Faison Shaw

Ruth Faison Shaw

Ruth Faison Shaw (1889-1969) Honored by her niece as “an inspirational Southern woman,” and my new favorite artist! Inventor of fingerpainting (but really it’s wrist-, forearm-, and knuckle-painting) Inspired by a child and later, veterans and trauma survivors Served...
Unwanted Gifts, Cards, & Letters

Unwanted Gifts, Cards, & Letters

Gifts, cards, and letters can communicate acknowledgment, respect, appreciation, connectedness, love, humor, mourning, intimacy, support…what else? After a confusing, painful relationship, a woman unexpectedly receives flowers sent to her office. They look good. They...
A Glimpse at Grief

A Glimpse at Grief

Disenfranchised grief occurs when a person has experienced a deep and meaningful attachment, experienced loss, and cannot openly acknowledge or grieve the loss or have it validated by others (Doka, 1989; Stroebe et al., 2008). It might be erroneously thought that...